The Seinoli Legal Centre (SLC) leverages the Rule of Law as a tool for protecting, restoring, and enhancing the sustainable livelihoods of local communities.
Our aim is to provide communities affected by large development projects with sustained, comprehensive access to the law to safeguard social, economic, and environmental rights. Since our inception as a project in 2010, we have developed a focus and legal innovations with communities affected by the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), the extractives industry (such as diamond mining), and agribusiness.
We meet clients in their own environment to make our service more accessible. This is primarily achieved through on-site community meetings which are locally referred to as ‘Pitsos’, workshops, and one-on-one consultation processes. The SLC also has a toll-free line that enables communities to contact SLC officers free of charge to report grievances and other emerging issues that need to be brought to the SLC’s attention and to seek information and advice.
Our Model
Our comprehensive and unique approach combines strategic litigation, advocacy, and capacity building of both our local client communities and the local legal system.
Our Impact
Since the beginning of our work in 2009, we have had a tremendous impact on communities affected by large development projects in Lesotho by providing legal representation and securing legal redress for the communities.